I began fasting again today, planning to do another 7 days. I feel deep within my spirit that there are some additional areas in the my life where I need a breakthrough. My focus in prayer is the healing of finances for myself and my family, family reconciliation and unity, favor in every area of my life which God deems part of His plan for me, and that I might travel to Nigeria in July to be a blessing to those God has connected me with.
Today's workday was a pretty busy one and it seemed to pass quickly. I tried to be very prayerful and mindful of the Lord as I went about my work duties today but what my soul needed was the opportunity to really cry out in prayer, which is what I did when I got home. After I arrived home, I immediately got on my knees in prayer and began seeking the Lord. My soul felt the need to connect with God in every possible way, and as I sit here writing this entry, I think of all the wonderful ways God has blessed me. I know I can never repay Him for His goodness, mercy and grace, but I know that seeking Him in spirit and truth so that He might use me to share His word with others pleases Him.
Don't ask me why, but I feel such a difference on the inside of myself. That first 7 day fast I undertook did something to me. Somehow it changed me on the inside. My soul feels more gratitude and more of a longing to please God instead of myself. All I know is that I need and want the kind of breakthrough in my life that only God can give. For the first time in years, I feel like I've been changed, feel like something new has taken place within me. I feel like some significant changes for the good are about to take place in my life.
"O" has joined me in this fast and we have agreed to seek the Lord together. I pray that upon our completion that God's power will breakthrough in our life like a mighty rushing wind as in the day of Pentecost when the fire of the Holy Spirit fell upon the believers. I'm reminded of God's word that says "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, ask and it shall be given. Because they that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing."
Have you ever anticipated a thing? You know, that feeling where you can feel that something is about to happen but you don't know what or when. But you know it's about to happen and you anticipate it cause it's a good thing and you've been waiting for it a long time? That's how I feel. As though God is getting ready to do something wonderful, something miraculous in my life, something that I've been waiting for a long time, and now my season has come.
Lord I know I can never repay you for your goodness but I want you to know that I thank you. I thank you in every way for all your blessings in my life and I give you the honor, and the glory because you alone are God.
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