Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Taken By Surprise

There are some surprises in life I welcome with open arms, while there are others I wish I had a remote control for.

My boss of almost two years just told me he accepted another job offer. Talk about taken by surprise. I never saw it coming. Now don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely happy for him, because I know it's an idea situation considering he's been telecommuting between Oklahoma and Texas for almost two years. Yet, I genuinely hate to see him go. This individual has not only been my boss, but a mentor in the workplace and a supportive shoulder when I've just needed to vent. I've interacted with a lot of supervisors during my working years, and not everyone is supervisor material. But there are some people who make a positive difference in the lives of their co-workers and my boss has been such an individual.

Although there are still six weeks until he officially leaves, I'm still sad. Working for and with my boss was a joy because we interacted very well. He knew his job, did it well, respected me greatly as an Executive Assistant and allowed me to perform my duties with as much autonomy as needed to effectively support our department. For this I'm extremely grateful and thankful that I was blessed to work along side such an individual.

I continue to feel a myriad of emotions behind this surprise but nonetheless, I wish him well. I only pray that God will bless me to be so fortunate to work with someone else I'll some day consider a great boss.

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