Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who I Am

I have seen so much hype about blogs and it seems most everyone has one. Therefore, I decided to join the cause and find out what all the excitement was. They say in the blogging world one can write about anything and others will possibly be interested. Well let us see how true that really is as I begin by sharing a little about myself.

I decided to call my blog Designed2Bless because I believe God created (designed) me to be a blessing to those I encounter on this journey called life. Whether my blessing is a kind word, a friendly smile, a needed hug or material assistance, I know He designed me to be a blessing. In fact, about a year ago a Nigerian acquaintance of mine, gave me the Yoruba name "Oluwakemi", which means..."God has blessed me" and truly He has blessed me in so many ways.

I am a single mother of four wonderful children who are all grown. Well just about, my last child is a senior in high school. I am also grandmother to five beautiful grandchildren of who are two tough little boys and three independent little girls. I have lived in the glorious state of Oklahoma for 46 years and have never traveled outside the U.S. I am the eldest of six siblings, two sisters and three brothers and I do not own a dog.

For the most part, life is good and I feel blessed, no matter how rocky life gets at times. I have been married and divorced twice. The first was for seven years, and the second was for 15 years. I guess according to the rap artist "Webbie" I could be described as "INDEPENDENT". You know...."got my own house, got my own car, work two jobs, I'm a bad broad"...*lol*.

As a Christian, I attend church regularly. Given all I have been through in my life, I cannot afford NOT to serve God. I first began my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ when I was about 12 years old. My walk at times has been a struggle on my part, but I am so glad God is not a man in that He would judge me harshly and give up on me. Instead, His love and unfailing grace have brought me through so many of life's encounters. His mercy has taught me how to be truly merciful with others and to realize that life could always be worse no matter how bad you think yours is.

As far as how I make my living, I am an Executive Assistant to a Vice President within a local college, and I love my job. It has its days like any other job but overall it is a good place to work and grow a career. In my spare time, I maintain my personal website that for now promotes my Blog entries. I've got some ideas churning in my head to possibly branch out into offering a product or service via my stay tuned; but for now just come along with me on the journey to become better acquainted with me.

Until we "blog-meet" again, may the Lord watch between you and I and keep us safe.
