Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 2--This New Journey

Okay it's day 2 of my new journey to take better care of my body, mind and spirit.  I awakened to my alarm clock at 5:00 am and immediately begin doing soft stretch exercises lying in my bed to help awaken the muscles and nerves in my body.  Since Sunday night I've been battling a re-laspe of back problems.  Instead of caving into negative thoughts that  old health issues might flare up again, I decided instead to begin sending my body positive thoughts.

After stretching, I fired up my electric juicer and made an energy drink consisting of:  grapefruits, oranges, lemons and ginger.  I am determined to improve my health by feeding my body raw, healthy foods.

I then spent 20 minutes meditating in order to connect with Spirit and put a positive spin on my day before I face the world.

During my lunch hour I went to view the new apartment I'll be moving into on Friday.  So after viewing it and being happy with what I saw, I signed the lease documents.  I honestly can't believe that for the first time in 53 years I'll be living on my own.  The apartment is really nice and I'm looking forward to decorating it with my own style.  One of my co-workers has offered to come over and help me deep clean the apartment.

Today is a good day and good things are happening to me!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 1--My New Beginning Has a Purpose

Well today marks the beginning of a new life journey for me.  I've made the choice to focus on myself from this day forward and work diligently to make life what I desire it to be.

I started a meditation class today.  I figured it would benefit me greatly to connect with Source through my spirit.  If I can learn how to truly meditate I believe it will help me overcome many of the obstacles I've faced throughout my entire life.  I'm going to monitor the effect of the meditation in my life for the next 30 days.

Also, I have made a concerted effort to begin eating healthy in conjunction with the meditation and other positive changes I'm making in my life.  I will be moving into my new apartment this week and I want to make sure I start off on the right foot.  In my mind's eye, I can see it all coming together successfully.

Thank you God for your grace, love and mercy.